University of Tasmania

Hadley's Art Prize Hobart: Education Kit

posted on 2023-05-22, 10:27 authored by Jackett, A, Abbey MacDonaldAbbey MacDonald, Baguley, M
This education resource has been designed for use by students visiting the 2021 Hadley’s Art Prize Hobart (HAPH) exhibition of finalists. It is intended to introduce students and teachers to the Hadley’s Art Prize, and enhance their understanding and enjoyment of the exhibition. The exhibition will introduce students to a range of contemporary Australian landscape artworks that reveal how identity and land are interlinked, and how artists express their relationships to place in Australia. The HAPH Education resource has been developed by art education specialists in partnership with the HAPH curator, and is endorsed by Art Education Australia (AEA). AEA is the peak national professional association that supports and promotes art education at all levels as an integral part of general education and art education research within Australia. AEA represents the art teaching profession at national arts and education forums and in national and international peak associations.







School of Creative Arts and Media


Hadley's Art Prize Hobart

Place of publication

Hobart, Tasmania

Repository Status

  • Restricted

Socio-economic Objectives

The creative arts; Teacher and instructor development; Expanding knowledge in creative arts and writing studies