University of Tasmania

Language Learning Motivation in a Multilingual Chinese Context

Version 2 2024-09-18, 23:49
Version 1 2023-05-22, 08:00
posted on 2024-09-18, 23:49 authored by Mairin Hennebry-Leung, XS Gao

Language learning motivation is seen to result from a complex interplay between cognitive, contextual, cultural, individual and social factors (Dörnyei and Ushioda, 2013). Aligned with this perspective, the overarching aim of this book is to provide a systematic, multi-factorial discussion of motivation that explores its interplay with key features involved in the language teaching and learning process. The discussion throughout the book is underpinned by examination of a large-scale, multi-variate dataset focusing on language learning motivation and is framed by the recently developed Douglas Fir Group (DFG) framework for second language acquisition. Each chapter of the book will conclude with a summary of key points and a discussion of key implications for theory and practice.

Extending existing theorisations of language learning motivation, the DFG framework allows for a richer and more complex examination that accounts both for the contribution learners’ individuality makes in shaping motivation and for the ways in which micro, meso and macro contexts shape language learning motivation. Current shifts across the field of language education indicate the importance of theoretical and pedagogical approaches that recognise learners’ individuality (Dörnyei, 1998; Dewaele, 2005; Sakui and Cowie, 2011), as well as the ways in which contexts shape their motivation. The multi-factorial, data-driven approach adopted in this book, allows rich insights into the complex interplay between learner and context in shaping motivation. Furthermore, drawing on the rich body of theory and research on language learning motivation will enable a robust evidence-driven discussion, rooted in existing work and pointing the way to future directions.












Publication status

  • Published

Place of publication

United Kingdom

Rights statement

Copyright 2022 Taylor & Francis group

Socio-economic Objectives

160105 Secondary education, 160303 Teacher and instructor development

UN Sustainable Development Goals

4 Quality Education