The Two Truths in Indian Buddhism: Reality, Knowledge, and Freedom
In this clear and exemplary approach to one of the core philosophical subjects of the Buddhist tradition, Sonam Thakchoe guides readers through the range of Indian Buddhist philosophical schools and how each approaches the two truths: ultimate truth and conventional truth. In this presentation of philosophical systems, the detailed argumentations and analyses of each school's approach to the two truths are presented to weave together the unique contributions each school brings to supporting and strengthening a Buddhist practitioner's understanding of reality. The insights of the great scholars of Indian Buddhist history--such as Vasubandhu, Bhavaviveka, Kamalashila, Dharmakirti, Nagarjuna, and Chandrakirti--are illuminated in this volume, with profound implications for the practice and views of modern practitioners and scholars.
The Vaibhashika, Sautrantika, Yogachara, and Madhyamaka schools provide a framework for a continuum of philosophical debate that is far more interrelated, and internally complex, than one may presume. Yet we see how the schools build upon the findings of one another, leading from a belief in the realism of external phenomena to the relinquishment of any commitment to realism of either external or internal realities. This fascinating movement through philosophical approaches leads us to see how the conventional and ultimate--dependent arising and emptiness--are twin aspects of a single reality.