My development as a writer spans almost.50 years, starting with poetry. Later I expanded my writing interest to short stories, plays, film-script and political papers. I am not a clever writer, nor a competent academic writer, I simply write yarns that will interest a chosen readership. My most recent political paper, Beyond the Colonial Construct, is aimed mainly at the Government's ATSIC blacks and those leaders of Aboriginal community based leaders who are complacently rolling along with ATSIC and the corporate processes of government. Because it is difficult to publish writings that challenge the corporate interests of government, ATSIC and those Aboriginal people who are blindly following, I am forced to publish in any way possible to influence further discussion on the issues I raise. The views expressed in my writings are not necessarily correct or beyond question, but are really an attempt to influence open discussions between Aboriginal people, nationally, so as to define our status in Australia, understand our Aboriginality, and determine our future accordingly. I believe that knowledge is the tool of empowerment. Moreover, I believe that to reach a point in Aboriginal and white-Australian history where our differences are resolved to the satisfaction of both parties, a discussion about Aboriginality must occur. A National Aboriginal Talk on the issues mentioned above, should be undertaken across all Aboriginal communities of Australia, carried out on a self-determined schedule, and should be adequately resourced by government. Of course it's not in the interests of white-Australia for such a discussions to be undertaken, nor to the interests of the black pied-pipers of ATSIC, the Aboriginal Reconciliation Councilor the Aboriginal community based leaders who follow government agendas without challenge.