High-throughput screening of biofilm formation of Listeria monocytogenes on stainless steel coupons using a 96-well plate format
Listeria monocytogenes is a foodborne pathogen capable of colonizing and persisting in the food production environment (FPE). While there are a variety of factors involved in L. monocytogenes’ ability to persist in FPE, the ability to form biofilms has the potential to increase their chance of survival and long-term colonization. Understanding the mechanisms involved in L. monocytogenes ability to form biofilms may potentially help food safety managers optimize control strategies targeting it in the FPE. In this chapter, a high-throughput method to determine L. monocytogenes ability to attach and form biofilms utilizing FPE-grade stainless steel is described. This method provides fast and efficient results, facilitating scaling up to large numbers of isolates to measure their ability to form biofilms, where lower-throughput approaches can then be utilized to further characterize isolates of interest.
CSIRO-Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation
Publication title
Listeria Monocytogenes: Methods and ProtocolsVolume
EM Fox, H Bierne & B StesslPagination
TIA - Research InstitutePublisher
Humana Press/Springer NaturePublication status
- Published