Management of Major Fungal and Fungal-Like Soilborne Diseases of Potato
This brief review focuses on the three most widely researched potato soilborne fungal or fungal-like diseases in recent years. A scan of published literature over the past 10 years identified Verticillium dahliae, Rhizoctonia solani, and Spongospora subterranea that cause verticillium wilt, black scurf, and powdery scab, respectively, as those for where considerable recent research had been undertaken. Their similarities, the production of long-lived resting structures within the soil, combined with some unique differences including pathogen life cycle and control options, provide the opportunity to discuss recent relevant research that provides insight into their management and identify research gaps that would aid understanding of these recalcitrant pathogens and subsequent diseases.
Publication title
Sustainable Management of Potato Pests and DiseasesEditors
SW Chakrabarti, S Sharma and MA ShahPagination
TIA - Research InstitutePublisher
SpringerLinkPublication status
- Published