University of Tasmania

Neuromodulations of Extro-Scientific Telepathy

posted on 2023-05-24, 06:10 authored by Drinkall, J
This paper speculates upon the possibilities of a telepathically enhanced cultural environment, which might create forms of modulation in the neural networks of the brain. The first uncertain challenge, in the section Telepathy and the Idea of the XSF, is to understand telepathy as Extro-Science Fiction (XSF) and show how XSF becomes real. XSF as understood by Quentin Meillassoux is contrasted to science fiction. Particularly I will concentrate on Meillasoux Type 2 worlds whose irregularity is sufficient to abolish science but not consciousness. Through an exploration of the artist practices of Robert Barry, Marina Abramovic, and Susan Hiller employing telepathy, I will suggest these art experiments produced information that science could not. These artists and their work have laid the foundation for an integral understanding of telepathy, where telepathy in conceptual art processes are materially engaged with the brain, body and the world. Responding to a wealth of information manifesting in science fiction, these conceptual art practices, within a sub-genre I call extro-science conceptual art, an extension of XSF into art, have been reappearing in recent telepathic technologies. These conceptual art practices become the first materializations in the cultural schemata of these technologies and form a link to experiments with those of the 19th century to the present day. They manifest as migrations of the sensible and insensible, and form active visions to be harnessed by such things as material engagement theory (MET) and brain artifact interfaces. (BAI) discussed in my next section. Material Engagement and the World Brain Continuum. Using these theories as a foundation I analyze how a cultural environment in the process of becoming more telepathically inclined, as a result of more embedded telepathic technologies, might in fact sculpt the brain’s neural plasticity.


Publication title

The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism: Part Three


W Neidich




School of Creative Arts and Media


Archive Books

Place of publication




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Copyright 2017 The Authors

Repository Status

  • Restricted

Socio-economic Objectives

The creative arts; Human capital issues; Expanding knowledge in creative arts and writing studies