Cognitive Science is usually taught as a postgraduate course, or as a relevant group of undergraduate units brought together as a major course of study in cognitive science. This paper argues that more basic units can be taught somewhat as classics used to be, aiming to incorporate quite basic but essential learning into undergraduate degrees, and should even be introduced into school courses. This argument is supported by a brief description of experience in such tertiary teaching. As a foundation for such "neo-classic" teaching, those working in cognitive science should review their image of their discipline, and should seek common cause with workers in the field of information systems.
Publication title
The Proceedings of the Fourth Australasian Cognitive Science Society Conference
ISBN 0 7259 1059 3 (CD ROM)
University of Newcastle
Publication status
Rights statement
Fourth Conference of the Australasian Cognitive Science Society held from September 26-28, 1997 at the University of Newcastle NSW. AUSTRALIA Fourth Conference of the Australasian Cognitive Science Society September 26-28, 1997 University of Newcastle NSW AUSTRALIA