This body of paintings presents a disjunctive, seemingly haphazard array of pictorial references that are derived from multiple historic periods. This includes an image of HG Wells on a bicycle, a placard holding Bible salesman circa 1890, an engraving of a recumbent Eve in the Garden of Eden and the imaginary future ruins of London. This assortment of subjects is complimented by a set of different painting techniques which include commercial digital printing on spray painted grounds, refined hand painted detail and loosely expressive gesture. Whilst these divergent depictions create a turbulent, non-linear temporal dimension they are nonetheless held together in a field of highly saturated, unworldly colour. The differing historic imagery combined with a wide variety of material application offers an alternative view of how the time of migrant experience (Bal’s ‘heterochrony’) might be rendered on the stationary, flat surfaces of painting.
Office of the School of Creative Arts and Media, Arts
University of Tasmania
Event Venue
The Academy Gallery, Tidal Waters, Brook Street Pier, and Hadley's Orient Hotel