University of Tasmania

Storm Signals

posted on 2023-05-25, 08:40 authored by Gal, M, Anya ReadingAnya Reading
This work provides a visual representation of vibrations due to ocean storms that travel through the deep reaches of the solid Earth. Ocean storms in a the marine realm are a severe but passing phenomena, while unattenuated, their vibrations through the solid Earth are a shifting, ever-present energy. Most people are unaware of this pervasive energy. The origin of this work lies in science, but uses two contrasting visual presentations as a way of representing the invisible. The ambient seismic energy that inspired the animation is viewed as both the intuitive wave-height dataset that generates the energy, and the much less expected vibrations in the solid Earth that are detected with groups of seismic sensors known as arrays. The work is underpinned by the Art-Science theme, whereby scientific information is presented in a visual way to inform, but also to provoke. The work extends knowledge through presenting visualised scientific information in a gallery context. The approach is novel in that it draws the viewer into perceiving vibrations emanating from colliding waves as well as the more evident rise and fall of the waves themselves. The passing storm provides inspiration for a dancer, being shown alongside sculptural and other video works. The overall impression is one of a multifaceted ocean, always in motion, and pervasive but unperceived in our usual experience of being on land. Exhibited as part of the DARK MOFO 2016 festival drawing visitors from around Australia. It was viewed in daylight, dusk and dark by a large number of visitors to this festival and also by local people passing the IMAS building gallery space. The work has resulted in an invitation to participate in ongoing research theme activity in interdisciplinary Art-Science, and also in an invitation to contribute as an expert panel member to a related Art forum in Brisbane in 2016.


Australian Research Council



Visual Art Work


School of Natural Sciences


Dark Mofo 2016


1.31 minute

Event Venue

IMAS Gallery

Date of Event (Start Date)


Date of Event (End Date)


Repository Status

  • Restricted

Socio-economic Objectives

Expanding knowledge in the earth sciences

Usage metrics

    Non-traditional research outputs


    Ref. manager