Weathering - River, Creek, Branch and Mountain
RB ‘Weathering - River, Creek, Branch and Mountain,’ was a major public art commission for the HIVE Cultural Precinct opened on 18/11/2021. The work examined the landscape and waterways of NW Tasmania and the atmosphere's transformative role in shaping connection to and sense of place. This research is part of a creative practice enquiry extending the capacity of emergent photographic practice to evoke notions of kinship and belonging. It explores how photographic imagery can communicate complex and nuanced relationships that form with a place. In the enquiry, Tasmania is considered a microcosm reflecting broader environmental challenges. The research contributes to the knowledge of place-based dialogue and post-Photographic theory exploring the multifarious potential of lens-based images to connect to broader narratives while reflecting an anchoring in the phenomenology of place. RC By anchoring this visual research to the landscape of the Central Coast region with specific attention placed on waterways, a new composited work was developed. A key metaphor advanced in the working methodology is the palimpsest, used in advancing the method of constructing layered images from diverse lens-based sources while simultaneously revealing aspects of the image’s construction. RS The research extends a methodology applied in the exhibition ‘Weathering’ Burnie Regional Art Gallery (2021) In extending the idea of a visual palimpsest as poetic image. This research aids the development of imagery to service a nuanced understanding of place, environment, kinship and belonging, central to altering ways of thinking and affecting necessary change to overcome global environmental challenges. This work was the outcome of publicly advertised competitive tender, assessed by specialised panel. It is on permanent display at the Cultural Precinct.