University of Tasmania

Agricultural Management and Soil Carbon Sequestration: the potential of APSIM model to support climate change mitigation

conference contribution
posted on 2023-05-24, 23:51 authored by Ferreira, CSS, Kalantari, Z, Matthew HarrisonMatthew Harrison, Martin, NF, Marcillo, GS, Zhao, P, Wu, J, Hovakimyan, N

Historic agricultural management has depleted the SOC stocks and exerted significant pressure on agricultural soils' capacity to store and cycle C.

Under best management practices, soils may have great potential to act as C sinks and to assist in climate change mitigation.

Simulation models of crops can provide robust and objective methods to extrapolate likely C changes arising from management and climate change.


Grains Research & Development Corporation


Publication title

EGU General Assembly 2022


Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA)


European Geosciences Union

Event title

EGU General Assembly 2022

Event Venue

Vienna, Austria & Online

Date of Event (Start Date)


Date of Event (End Date)


Repository Status

  • Restricted

Socio-economic Objectives

Climate change adaptation measures (excl. ecosystem); Climate variability (excl. social impacts); Management of water consumption by plant production