University of Tasmania

An exploration of the barriers and facilitators of community access and social inclusion for disabled and socially-marginalised population groups

conference contribution
posted on 2023-05-24, 12:41 authored by Nicholas ArnottNicholas Arnott

This presentation will discuss the results of a review of research into the barriers and facilitators of community access, participation and inclusion for socially marginalised population groups. People residing in Pension-level Supported Residential Services in Victoria were used as a reference point for this review, recognising that the resident profile of such facilities shows a close correlation to various disability and marginalised cohorts that commonly reside in community-based settings across different national and international domains.

Baum (1999)1 described a new approach to public health, which emphasises social justice, self-determination, participation, and community capacity-building. Within this paradigm, social inclusion and community participation are recognised as important precursors to positive health and wellbeing, and there is now compelling empirical evidence to support this assertion.

Conversely, it is now widely accepted that poverty, inequality, social exclusion, low levels of communal and civic participation, substandard or inaccessible public health and leisure facilities, and poor access to affordable housing, transport and support services all impact negatively on health outcomes. It is also accepted that people with disabilities, mental ill-health or complex needs are more likely to experience, and be affected by, these factors.

This review synthesised data from 20 research papers, with the identified barriers and facilitators being summarised into four key themes: (1) person-specific factors; (2) societal factors; (3) physical, structural and environmental factors; and (4) service-system practice and process factors.

Through a discussion of these themes, this presentation aims to reorient our thinking and planning toward this important health determinant. Various ideas and strategies will be presented to inform and stimulate system and practice improvements that contribute to improved community access, inclusion and participation for socially-marginalised population groups.


Publication title

Proceedings of the Community and Primary Health Care Nursing Conference


School of Nursing


Royal College of Nursing

Place of publication

Hobart, Tasmania

Event title

Community and Primary Health Care Nursing Conference

Event Venue

Perth, Western Australia

Date of Event (Start Date)


Date of Event (End Date)


Repository Status

  • Restricted

Socio-economic Objectives

Health inequalities

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