Artificial Intelligence (AI) the science and engineering of making intelligent machines which can simulate themselves. Human self-reference happens at any time when we say 'I'. Artificial Intelligence is immensely capable of questioning this human 'Self-awareness' by replicating the human potential to think, sense and also to make decisions in any knowledge field. Technological giants like Microsoft, IBM, Google & Siemens lead their way in AI by focusing on technologies viz; neural networks, machine learning, predictive models, information and communication technology (ICT) medical and healthcare. As there is a gradual increase in the use of automated inventions, patent fillings on AI have raised; leading to a competition between technological giants. This scenario has motivated us to explore the competitive trends in AI. Insights from technology trends, growth analysis, firms activity analysis, legal scenario, collaboration network analysis, forward citations, and country coverage of the patent data suggest that Microsoft might continue its lead in the succeeding years.
Publication status
Event title
32nd National Convention, Conference on Patinformatics for Technological Competitive Intelligence and Licensing
Event Venue
Pune, india
Date of Event (Start Date)
Date of Event (End Date)
Rights statement
Citation: Pratap Devarapalli et al, (2015). Artificial Intelligence: A Patent Race of Technological Giants. 32nd National Convention, Conference on Patinformatics for Technological Competitive Intelligence and Licensing.. Available at SSRN: