University of Tasmania

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Assessment of tomato and capsicum cultivars and production techniques for export to Japan and Taiwan and demonstration of IPM of Botrytis cinerea for local and export crops

conference contribution
posted on 2023-05-24, 15:24 authored by Orr, R, Hart, R, Bentley, J, Heazlewood, G, Tuck, G, Gardam, P, Salardini, A
Background: The granting of Tobacco Blue Mould (TBM) area freedom for Tasmania in 1996 presented Tasmanian Greenhouse Tomato & Vegetable Growers with the opportunity to export to Japan a range of solanaceous vegetables. TGTVGA, Field Fresh Tasmania and DPIWE worked together to develop a joint industry/Horticulture Australia (formally HRDC) funded project to investigate this opportunity.

Objectives: To investigate a range of cultivars and production techniques and commence a planned development of a greenhouse vegetable export industry. To demonstrate that controlling the greenhouse environment eliminates the need for fungicide applications to control Botrytis cinerea thus enhancing Tasmania's "Clean & Green" image.

Work undertaken: 1997/98 - initial screening trials and test marketing of a range of greenhouse tomato, capsicum and eggplant cultivars. IPM control of Botrytis cinerea demonstrated. Most promising cultivars selected and second year trials agreed.
1998/99 - replicated trials of Tomatoes and Capsicums conducted. Capsicums grown in a dedicated greenhouse.
1999/2000 - Capsicums repeat trial in sawdust bag culture and NFT comparison investigated. 2000/2001 Growing and Investors Guides for Capsicums and project Final Report written.

Results: Greenhouse capsicums were grown to world's best practice, yield and quality in a leased greenhouse with environmental controls. An average yield of 23.4 kg/m2 over 2 seasons with a pack-out of 66% first grade fruit was achieved. IPM of Botrytis cinerea trialed confirmed NZ experience that controlling the greenhouse environment eliminates the disease. Feedback from potential Japanese buyers has been very positive. However, an influx of Korean capsicums has depressed the price for export capsicums. Market opportunities exist for greenhouse tomatoes and capsicums on mainland Australia. A hydroponic greenhouse capsicum production manual and an investors guide have been published. The Final Report for the project was submitted and formally accepted by Horticulture Australia Ltd. (HAL).


Publication title

ARAC Research and Extension Day Handbook




Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA)


Agricultural Research & Advisory Committee

Place of publication


Event title

ARAC Research and Extension Day

Event Venue

Devonport, Tasmania

Date of Event (Start Date)


Date of Event (End Date)


Repository Status

  • Restricted

Socio-economic Objectives

Field grown vegetable crops

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    University Of Tasmania


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