The fat content of muscle and the fatty acid profile and melting point of subcutaneous fat was examined in the progeny of three years of crossbreeding Angus, Belgian Blue, Hereford, Jersey, Limousin, South Devon and Wagyu sires with Hereford cows. Significant cohort and sire breed effects were recorded for most traits. Heritability was moderate in most cases. As expected, significant breed differences were noted in the fat content of muscle, but also apparent was the difference in the degree of unsaturation in Jersey and Wagyu progeny. Angus, Hereford, Belgian Blue, South Devon and Limousin animals varied in some fatty acid measures. Jersey and Wagyu had fat with lower melting point (a function of fatty acid composition) and South Devon and Limousin had higher melting point than the remaining breeds.
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Event title
Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics Conference
Event Venue
Mandurah, Western Australia
Date of Event (Start Date)
Date of Event (End Date)
Rights statement
In: P. Vercoe, N. Adams and D. Masters (Editors). Rising to the Challenge - Breeding for the 21st Century Customer. Proceedings Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Mandurah, Western Australia, vol. 13, 389-392.