The purpose of this paper is to explore young people’s perceptions and understandings of climate change in relation to the particularities of island place, and to make a series of observations about what may be gained for island scholarship and geographical inquiry from interdisciplinary engagement involving the creative professions, educators and young people. That exploration is undertaken with specific reference to Fresh! A Map of a Dream of the Future, a novel multi-partner project among geographers, artists, writers, and community cultural development workers, who have produced an education kit, virtual world and new media arts installation, the last to be featured at Junction 2010, the Australian Regional Arts National Conference.
Publication title
School of Geography & Environmental Studies Conference Abstracts 2010
Kate Boden
School of Geography, Planning and Spatial Sciences
Tasmanian State Government
Place of publication
Hobart, Tasmania
Event title
School of Geography & Environmental Studies Conference, 2010