This paper highlights the potentially important role of the student in shaping the nature of the learning environments within which they interact. It is proposed that the use of constructive alignment in tandem with a learner-centred approach containing criterion-based assessment can empower students in important ways. That such empowerment can go further than increasing their ability to learn to also include an increased role in helping to shape their learning environment. The use of an evolutionary approach within this paper helps facilitate discussion of the often-neglected process of niche construction through which such possible empowerment is enacted. The primary drivers of the processes discussed are regular summative and formative feedback. The assertion being that students' habits of thought are susceptible to change when the students understand how they contribute to their overall fitness vis-a-vis satisfying stated learning objectives. The implications of the arguments within this paper go to the very heart of enacting the philosophy of learner-centred approaches to teaching and learning. The opportunity to work with students to achieve both superior learning outcomes and learning environments is highlighted as an important consequence of being truly learner-centred.