This paper presents an improved reinitialisation condition for time invariant maximum power point tracking (MPPT) methods used in photovoltaic (PV) systems experiencing partial shading conditions (PSC). Time invariant (MPPT) methods, such as Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO), overcome the limitations of existing MPPT by tracking the global maximum power point (GMPP) of a PV system operating under PSC. However, due to the time invariant structure of these MPPT methods, they also require a reinitialisation condition to be defined for when a change in irradiance or temperature occurs. Testing was performed using simulations of a model built in Matlab/ Simulink, where the performance of existing and developed conditions was evaluated using test cases with changes in solar irradiance. Limitations of existing conditions were identified and a more robust reinitialisation condition developed. The developed reinitialisation condition used sentry particles to monitor the PV voltage range for changes in the measured power of any sentry. The developed condition had a 96 % rate of successful detection, as compared to as low as 68 % successful detection for existing methods, demonstrating improved performance and robustness.
Publication title
Proceedings from the Australian Universities Power Engineering Conference
School of Engineering
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Place of publication
United States
Event title
Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference
Event Venue
Melbourne, Australia
Date of Event (Start Date)
Date of Event (End Date)
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