Is an application developed for the iPad to measure pain using a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) accurate, reliable and valid?
Question: Is an application developed for the iPad to measure pain using a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) accurate, reliable and valid?
Design: Accuracy was tested using an observational study design. Reliability and validity were tested using a crossover RCT design.
Participants: One researcher collected accuracy data (101 data points). Twenty two community dwelling older adults were then recruited to test reliability and validity. Intervention: Each participant completed eight VAS (four iPad and four paper) in a randomised order.
Outcome measures: Accuracy was determined by physically measuring iPad scale on screen and comparing it to the results from the programme. Reliability was tested using intraclass coefficients (ICC) (95%CI), and validity tested using Bland-Altman graphs (measuring bias and limits of agreement) and correlations to describe the relationships.
Results: Accuracy was high resulting in means±SD 48.4±27.3 and 48.8±27.5 for paper and iPad respectively. Reliability for both tools was excellent with iPadVAS (ICC, 95%CI) (0.90 0.82 to 0.95) and paperVAS within individual (0.96.92 to 98). Linear regression demonstrated a strong relationship (R 2=0.904). There was a small negative bias towards the iPad (-2.6 ±5.0) with limits of agreement (95%CI) from -12.4 to 7.1.
Conclusion: The iPadVAS for Pain provides an efficient way of collecting data and is accurate and reliable in healthy older adults.
National Stroke Foundation
School of Health SciencesEvent title
Australian Physiotherapy ConferenceEvent Venue
Gold Coast, AustraliaDate of Event (Start Date)
2015-10-03Date of Event (End Date)
2015-10-06Repository Status
- Restricted