Despite the end of the resource sector construction boom skills shortages remain evident in resources-rich states such as Western Australia (WA). The supply of skilled labour for many industries across WA remains an issue. Workforces continually need to develop so as to maintain productivity and to keep abreast of new technologies and growth areas within the economy. Industry Training Councils (ITCs) play a vital role in informing policy on the skills and workforce development needs of their member industries in Australia. The aims of this project are to conduct a scan of the current skills and workforce research being conducted by the nine WA Industry Training Councils and other key stakeholders (WA Department of Training and Workforce Development, State Training Board, Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA) with a view to identifying key skills and workforce development issues. This will be achieved through an environmental scan of industry and region based skills and workforce literature/reports and by collecting data from representative industry bodies (key stakeholders).
Curtin University Malaysia
Place of publication
Event title
3rd International Skills Colloquium: Employability, employment, training and skills in the global era