University of Tasmania

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Languages in an Australian preschool: A case study of Vietnamese

conference contribution
posted on 2023-05-24, 19:03 authored by Vinh ToVinh To
This paper reports findings on perspectives of multiple stakeholders on a 2017 case study of teaching Vietnamese to Tasmanian pre-schoolers (3-5 years of age), managed by a research group at the University of Tasmania and the Australian National University. Using a thematic approach to analyse 13 semi-structured interviews, five main themes on the benefits of the program for the children identified were language development, cultural and global awareness, numeracy enhancement, reading engagement, and personal development. Although, this project focused on the Vietnamese language particularly, these findings are applicable to all languages and will benefit multiple stakeholders working with various languages.


Publication title

22nd AFMLTA International Languages Conference


Faculty of Education


Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations

Place of publication

Hobart, Australia

Event title

22nd AFMLTA International Languages Conference

Event Venue

Wrest Point Conference Centre, Hobart, Tasmania

Date of Event (Start Date)


Date of Event (End Date)


Repository Status

  • Restricted

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