Remote Treatment of ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder: Results from 3 Trials Demonstrating the Efficacy of Guided and SelfGuided Administration
Purpose: Effective treatments for OCD exist, however there are many barriers to accessing these treatments. An innovative way to reduce many of these barriers is to provide treatment remotely. The OCD Course is an 8week cognitive and behavioural treatment program that can be delivered remotely. Three studies will be presented which investigated the efficacy of both guided and selfguided delivery of the OCD Course.
Methods: Study 1: 21 participants with OCD were treated online with the OCD Course in a clinician-guided format using an open trial design
.Study 2: 56 participants with OCD were allocated to receive clinicianassisted online treatment, clinician-assisted bibliotherapy treatment, or waitlist control, using a RCT design.
Study 3: 19 participants with OCD received selfguided online treatment with automatic email reminders using an open trial design.
Results: Study 1: Participants improved significantly on the YaleBrown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (YBOCS) with a withingroup effect size (Cohen’s d) of 1.5 at posttreatment. Participants rated the program as highly acceptable.
Study 2: Participants in both active treatment groups improved significantly compared to the waitlist control group. Within group effects sizes on the YBOCS at posttreatment was 1.2 for the bibliotherapy group, 1.1 for the internet group and 0.10 for the waitlist control group. There were no significant differences between the treatment groups in acceptability to participants.
Study 3: Participants improved significantly on the YBOCS with a withingroup effect size for those who completed the treatment of 1.2. Participants found the course acceptable.
Conclusions: The results of these 3 studies demonstrate the efficacy of both guided and selfguided administration of remote treatment for OCD. These findings have important implications for public policy administrators as remote treatment is more cost effective and overcomes many of the barriers associated with facetoface treatment.
School of Psychological SciencesEvent title
ISRII 2013Event Venue
ChicagoDate of Event (Start Date)
2013-05-16Date of Event (End Date)
2013-05-18Repository Status
- Restricted