University of Tasmania

Report of ISSC 2015 Specialist Committee V.8 Risers and Pipelines

conference contribution
posted on 2023-05-23, 18:53 authored by Suzuki, H, Shuhong ChaiShuhong Chai, Chatzigeorgiou, Y, Howells, H, Kuiper, G, Kavanagh, K, Low, YM, Morooka, C, Saevik, S, Seo, JK, Sodahl, N, Stadie-Frohboes, G, L Sun, Wu, J, Watanabe, Y

The immediately previous report regarding risers and pipelines is ISSC2000 Specialist Committee V.5 Structural Design of Pipeline, Riser and Subsea Systems. It represented the sequel to the report of Committee V.7 Structural Design of Pipeline Systems of the 1997 1SSC. The mandate of ISSC2000 report is as follows.

“Concern for the development of appropriate principles for life cycle―design of offshore pipeline, riser and subsea systems designed for the conveyance of fluids, including load and dynamic response. Consideration shall be given to inspection and monitoring procedures, and to the influence of operational decisions on safety.”

Both reports dealt with the issues related to the structural design of pipeline, riser and subsea systems designed for the conveyance of fluids. There were two main factors driving pipeline and riser technologies during the preparation of ISSC2000 report. The first was the requirement of longer but reliable cost-reduced pipelines connecting wells and the production facilities. The second factor was the inexorable increase in water depths between 1700m and 2800m associated with the exploitation of offshore oil and gas. The contents of the report consist of load and load effect, capacity, installation, design criteria and inspection, repair and maintenance. The topics and brief outputs of the report are summarized below:

    • Relatively matured subsea pipeline and riser technology with further work required for reeled steel catenary risers, deep-water flexible pipes, steel tube umbilicals, composite tubes and large bore coiled tubing for pipeline applications.

    • Importance of accurate prediction of hydrodynamic loads with the aid of rapidly advancing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).

    • Attractive steel catenary risers for deep water applications with additional research for the in-service fatigue life of the welded joints.

    • Maturity of global riser analysis except pipe-sea bed interaction.

    • Necessity of challenge toVoltex Induced Vibration (VIV) especially at high Reynolds numbers and in deep water applications.

It has been fifteen years since the ISSC2000 report was published. However, the increase in water depths is still continuing and is an important factor. This increase in water depths can be located in the construction records of drilling ships. Associated with the exploitation of offshore oil and gas, Discoverer Enterprise was constructed in 1999 whose maximum water depth is 3,048m and Discoverer Clear Leader was constructed in 2009 whose maximum water depth is 3,658m. Furthermore, carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) risers for 4000–5000 m water depths are under development in the field of scientific ocean drilling to exploit the mantle (Watanabe et al. 2007). This ISSC2015 report is based on the research literature of the last ten years and describes new design concepts, dynamic response with emphasis on vortex-induced vibration, soil-pipe interaction, failure modes, installation and maintenance, inspection and repair regarding risers and pipelines.

Technical developments in this broad technical area since ISSC2000 are focused and reported from the research point of view. As a result, contents are more or less selective although the all technical fields were tried to be covered equally as much as possible.


Publication title

Proceedings of the 19th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress


C Guedes Soares, Y Garbatov






Australian Maritime College


CRC Press

Place of publication

The Netherlands

Event title

The 19th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress

Event Venue

Cascais, Portugal

Date of Event (Start Date)


Date of Event (End Date)


Repository Status

  • Restricted

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