University of Tasmania

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SARRAH - A model for rural allied health leadership

conference contribution
posted on 2023-05-24, 09:30 authored by Lowe, SE
Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH) is the national peak body for rural and remote allied health professionals (AHPs) in Australia. The members are committed to improving access to AH services for rural and remote communities and to the support of the allied health workforce in these regions. Individual AHPs elect to join the organisation which works with, but is not affiliated to the discipline specific AHP associations. Through SARRAH membership, an individual AHP is networked at a national and state level across disciplines and by discipline. The organisation operates with a philosophy that to be working in and for a rural/remote community is first, to be an AHP is second and the individual discipline is third. Membership reduces professional isolation and provides a network of support. The organisation uses the experience of the individual, the strength and power of the combined voice to lobby for support for AHP services in the bush. Through its advocacy role and the work of its members and staff SARRAH: 1. Manages three Australian Government funded scholarship programs which assists: a. rural students obtain AH qualifications, b. AH students to undertake a rural or remote clinical placement, and; c. qualified rural/remote AHPs to access ongoing professional development. 2. Convenes a biennial conference; 3. Participates in activities relating to planning for the rural and remote AH workforce – at national and state level; 4. Membership of other national alliances supporting allied health, rural health, primary health care and health reform; 5. Members lobby politicians and key stakeholders through meetings and letters; 6. Develops leadership skills in the individual and fosters the multidisciplinary spirit. This presentation aims to demonstrate how AHPs can work together to provide leadership and drive the national allied health agenda.


Publication title

Inaugural National Allied Health Conference Proceedings


School of Health Sciences


NZ Health Boards

Place of publication

Conference website

Event title

Inaugural National Allied Health Conference

Event Venue

Auckland, New Zealand

Date of Event (Start Date)


Date of Event (End Date)


Repository Status

  • Restricted

Socio-economic Objectives

Allied health therapies (excl. mental health services)

Usage metrics

    University Of Tasmania


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