University of Tasmania

Sustainable dentistry; toolkits and evaluations systems to improve healthcare structures

conference contribution
posted on 2023-05-24, 18:53 authored by Silvana BettiolSilvana Bettiol, Shahrukh KhanShahrukh Khan, Crocombe, L

Objectives: The meaning of ‘sustainable development’ (SD) for many can be difficult to grasp with any degree of precision or certainty but the concept of SD is the same in, and applies to, every silo/sector. Within the complex scenario of healthcare, sustainability becomes a broad and debated subject. Responsibility for future generations is, of course, a central tenet of the notion of ‘sustainability’ and the World Dental Federation view dentistry as a profession that should integrate sustainable development goals into daily practice.

The value of the environmental footprint is more readily available particularly through the use of lifecycle assessment (LCA) a tool for quantifying environmental effects. The estimates of Greenhouse gas emissions of healthcare in several countries have been determined. The objectives are to determine the toolkits and evaluation systems available to assess and improve the sustainability of services, from the design of the clinical pathway to the organisation and delivery of care.

Methods: A comprehensive and systematised review of the relevant literature was performed on sustainable dentistry and healthcare sector, identifying tool kits and evaluation systems in current use. These were sorted according to themes based on the three main pillars: the environment, the economy and society.

Results: We present an overview of current work and literature available for the dental sector providing a study of the state of the art, available sustainability evaluation systems and toolkits that take into consideration sustainable development. We describe the key barriers and enablers and explore the contribution to research and practice providing strategic input and exemplary consultancy to national as well as local programmes, as well as educational and academic provisions across several countries.

Conclusions: Research studies and evaluation systems in the sector have been developed from different perspectives, there remain limitations to ensure ease of use and application.


Publication title

IADR/AADR/CADR General Session & Exhibition


Tasmanian School of Medicine

Event title

IADR/AADR/CADR General Session & Exhibition

Event Venue

Vancouver, Canada

Date of Event (Start Date)


Date of Event (End Date)


Repository Status

  • Restricted

Socio-economic Objectives

Understanding climate change not elsewhere classified; Evaluation of health and support services not elsewhere classified; Dental health

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