Understanding probability and conditional probability are important aspects of a statistical literacy program. Unfortunately many students find these difficult concepts to grasp. Enhancing students’ understandings of probability is explored from two perspectives. The first is based on the notion that students are better able to construct their understanding of probability when teachers use a hierarchy of dialogue questions from descriptive to the abstract, depending on the students’ understanding and responses. The second approach to enhance students’ understanding of probability is to extend their understanding of proportional reasoning and their ability to conceptualise how the same numerical value can be expressed in different forms.
Publication title
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Teaching Statistics
K. Makar, B. de Sousa & R. Gould
Faculty of Education
International Association for Statistical Education & International Statistics Institute (IASE/ISI)
Place of publication
United States
Event title
The 9th International Conference on Teaching Statistics
Event Venue
Flagstaff, Arizona, USA
Date of Event (Start Date)
Date of Event (End Date)
Rights statement
Copyright 2014 International Statistical Institute (ISI) & International Association for Statistical Education (IASE)