The Aboriginal Staff Alliance Network, Succeeding in the Educational Health Workforce
Background: The Aboriginal Staff Alliance (ASA) are Aboriginal people in a network of the Australian Rural Health Education Network (ARHEN) and the University Departments of Rural Health (UDRH) across Australia. There are 11 UDRH’s with another 3 recently announced for development. ASA members are located in rural areas.
Objectives: The ASA network aims to ensure inclusiveness of Aboriginal People’s across rural and remote Australia and assists Aboriginal communities towards self-determination of local health priorities including developing the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce.
Method: The presence of the ASA within the UDRH’s enhances partnerships and inclusion of research activities by providing a mechanism for representation on Aboriginal health issues as a collaborative voice. The network also provides support to each ASA members, thereby reducing the feeling of working in cultural isolation.
Results: The ASA ensures that non-Aboriginal health workers, professionals and academics are equipped with cultural safety protocols when addressing Aboriginal health. To facilitate this process the network has developed a set of cultural protocols and procedures for use within the UDRH’s covering areas such as research, community development, cultural safety, student placements and the delivery of cultural training. The ASA forms a network model that can be developed within other research and academic infrastructures. The ASA acts as an advisory, advocate action group, to enhance respect, credibility, transfer of knowledge, resources and support that will encourage health education and cultural inclusion for Aboriginal peoples.
Publication title
6th Annual NHMRC Symposium on Research Translation, co-hosted by NHMRC and the Lowitja InstituteDepartment/School
School of Health SciencesEvent title
6th Annual NHMRC Symposium on Research Translation, co-hosted by NHMRC and the Lowitja InstituteDate of Event (Start Date)
2017-01-01Date of Event (End Date)
2017-01-01Repository Status
- Restricted