The Ice is right: Antarctic ice modelling in maritime training simulators
conference contribution
posted on 2023-05-23, 17:57authored byPaul Brown, Lutzhoft, M
Maritime simulation is an important method employed in current maritime training. The use of high fidelity simulation has been found to reduce the risk of actual training in such industries as medicine and aviation. Little has been studied on risk and cost benefit of maritime simulation, certainly in recognised polar environments. The Antarctic shipping environment has had a lack of simulated training development, despite the high risk and high cost of training in the real sense. This study will examine the fidelity and validity of ice navigation in maritime simulation. True area models will be developed; incorporating approaches to commonly used Antarctic ports and weather and hydrographic data. Area models will be tested and validated prior to use in the ship model validation and model integration exercises. A current ice breaker model will be developed using 3D modelling software and will be validated by the actual ship’s crew prior to employment in model integration. There are three periods of a typical Antarctic shipping season; early, mid and late. Data will be sourced from real voyages encompassing the three experimental time periods for statistical comparison with voyage data achieved via experimental simulation. This will be achieved using the validated ship, crew, area and ice model in unison, in a Kongsberg full mission bridge simulator. The research will promote areas requiring further development or modification to provide a high fidelity and highly valid simulation environment for training in Antarctic conditions. These tools may also prove highly valuable to industry post ratification of the Polar Code.
Publication title
Proceedings of the 15th Annual general assembly International Association of Maritime Universities - Innovation in Maritime Education, Training and Research
D Ranmuthugala & B Lewarn
Australian Maritime College
Australian Maritime College
Place of publication
Launceston, Tasmania
Event title
15th Annual general assembly International Association of Maritime Universities