University of Tasmania

The patient's voice-embedding person-centred care within outpatients in chronic and complex care

conference contribution
posted on 2023-05-24, 18:51 authored by Bradshaw, J, Nazlee SiddiquiNazlee Siddiqui, Hedge, K

Objectives and Background This exploratory qualitative study objective is to answer the research question of ’How is person -centred care (PCC) embedded in treatment planning for outpatients?’ Investigation of this question is taking place in the context of chronic and complex healthcare following the treatment planning process within case conferences. It covers three clinical areas i.e. Geriatric, Rehabilitation and Chronic Pain. The investigation is guided by five domains of patient centred care (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare 2011). There is gap in the knowledge as to how and to what extent person centred care is embedded in the treatment planning process for patients being managed by multidisciplinary team (Hamilton et al 2016). Person centred care is defined as ‘respectful and responsive to the values of patients and consumers’ (ACSQHC 2011, p.8). Embedding PCC within healthcare has evidence of benefitting the health outcomes for patients in diverse areas. Extending the knowledge of PCC is particularly important in chronic and complex care which has a vulnerable cohort of patients who face issues around quality of life and loss of independence.

Methods The research design of this study is qualitative with an exploratory research design. A total of up to 40 participants will be recruited across 3 clinical areas -which include Geriatric, Rehabilitation and Chronic Pain. There are two cohorts – patients (18 to 30 in number) and clinicians (6 to 10 in number). The focus groups will incorporate a semi- structured format with discussion topics relating to their experience of care based on five domains of PCC . The questions are theoretically sound and drawn from the foundational theory of family and PCC. The design of the focus group with clinicians will be a semi- structured format, with topics of discussion led from the patient focus groups data. The clinicians will be given an overview of the themes of the data from the patient focus group for reflection. There will be thematic analysis of the group discussion data. The main processes of analysis are identifying, analysing and reporting patterns (themes) according to the literature of Braun and Clark (2006).

Results The results will include comparison of the data from the patients and clinician focus groups. There will be identification of where the partnership between the patients and clinicians is working well and where improvements could be made. Moreover, patient stories will be presented where ever possible.

Conclusion The recommendations from this study will include pragmatic solutions to enhance partnerships between patients and clinicians .There will be suggestions about how to best represent the view of the patients within chronic and complex care with NBMLHD . These suggestions are likely to work as social reward for staff, positively impacting their job satisfaction.



College Office - College of Business and Economics

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Patient Experience Symposium

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