University of Tasmania

Using RAPDs to detect QTLs in an interspecific F2 hybrid

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conference contribution
posted on 2023-05-26, 07:55 authored by Rene VaillancourtRene Vaillancourt, Bradley PottsBradley Potts, Manson, AF, Eldridge, T, James ReidJames Reid
The inheritance and linkage relationships of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were examined in seedlings of an interspecific hybrid between Eucalyptus gunii and E. globulus ssp. globulus. One hundred and ten RAPD markers were scored from 71 F2, 11 F1 and 10 backcrosses to E. gumii. Nineteen percent of the RAPD markers showed disturbed segregation in the F2, with most having a deficiency of E. globuluc bands (13 out of 18). The F2 had high levels of morphological abnormalities and poor growth compared to parental controls, F1 and outcrossed F2 progenies. Linkage analysis revealed fifteen linkage groups of three or more markers, 8 pairs and 13 unlinked markers (LOD < 3.0). Markers with disturbed segregation were clustered together. One normally segregating marker (U63-695) was significantly associatedw ilh abnormal leaf morphology, branching and frost tolerance. A significant proportion (ANOVA R2=18.5%) of the variation in frost tolerance in the F2 was explained by this marker. However, abnormal leaf morphology and frost tolerance were not correlated. While interspecitic hybridisation may be a powerful means of generating large amounts of genetic variation, the detection and exploitation of QTLs may be complicated by large and deleterious pleiotropic gene effecu and biased by distorted segregation.


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  • Published

Event title

Eucalypt Plantations : Improving Fibre Yield and Quality - CRCTHF- IUFRO Conference,

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