University of Tasmania

Welcome to the new Scientific Communication Skills online resource - scribbling and babbling with the best!

conference contribution
posted on 2023-05-24, 15:38 authored by Ashley EdwardsAshley Edwards, Jonathan OsbornJonathan Osborn, Rush, P, Morag PorteousMorag Porteous, Sheldon, B, Wood, D, Julian DermoudyJulian Dermoudy, Nazlee SiddiquiNazlee Siddiqui, Oxley, L

The UTAS priorities for online/distance/flexible delivery identify the importance of available and engaging self-paced resources tailored to UTAS students and available to all (including distance) students: resources to scaffold student learning of communication skills are clearly central to this intention

Teaching and learning of communication skills requires explicit modelling and instruction, using resources that are educationally sound and that are responsive both to our students’ varied backgrounds and developmental needs as well as to the time and capacity constraints of teaching staff.

In consultation with staff across the university, and guided by the University of Tasmania Blended Learning Model, this project replaces an outdated oral presentation guide (Babble) with a rich, multimedia resource, and updates an already successful online scientific writing resource (Scribble) to ensure it continues to meet student needs.

The Scientific Communication Skills online resource provides modules to which students can be directed for independent, self-paced learning, or which staff can actively embed into units for constructive and interactive use during face to face learning opportunities. The new communication skills site include interactive activities, guidelines, suggestions and worked examples for students, and resources to assist staff in teaching and assessing communication skills, whether they are embedded in a teaching program, or used as self-paced, independent learning opportunities.


Publication title

Teaching Matters 2016: Transforming Practice Through Innovation and Partnerships


School of Natural Sciences


University of Tasmania

Place of publication

Hobart, Australia

Event title

Teaching Matters 2016: Transforming Practice Through Innovation and Partnerships

Event Venue

Launceston, Tasmania

Date of Event (Start Date)


Date of Event (End Date)


Repository Status

  • Restricted

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