On the web, a lot of services enable people to obtain, share, and disseminate information. There are three main types of services that help people to obtain information in real time: search engines, social networking services (SNS), and Internet-news-services. People use the web to share or disseminate information. News companies display their articles to the public, and individuals post and share their personal interests on their blogs or social network sites. People try to find information by using search engines as well. As these activities are conducted in social contexts, they convey social trends. Those services also provide an additional service that displays the list of the most discussed topic-keywords in each service. In this paper, there are two main goals: First of all, we research on the characteristics of the popular events/issues among users in online services, including search engine, social media, and online news services and examine how the events/issues diffuse among those three services on the web. To achieve this goal, we collected social issue keywords from three different services, Google Trends, Twitter Trending Topics, Google News Top Stories. First, we focus on the characteristics of the popular issues among users in each service. Then, we provide the quantitative study on the issue diffusion among three different services manifests and disappearances of trends are different for each service.
Publication title
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ACM ICUIMC 2014)
Information and Communication Technology
The Association for Computing Machinery
Publication status
Place of publication
New York, USA
Event title
8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ACM ICUIMC 2014)
Event Venue
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Date of Event (Start Date)
Date of Event (End Date)
Rights statement
Copyright 2014 ACM
Socio-economic Objectives
220499 Information systems, technologies and services not elsewhere classified