Port Arthur Project: Re-interpreting the Port Arthur Historic Site through contemporary visual art. Exhibition, Ten Days on the Island, University of Tasmania and Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority. Artists: C Berg, L Bleach, T Cockburn, N Ellis, A Ferran, L Fredheim, R Frost, L Greeno and V West, F Hall, L Hobba, C Langridge, F Lee, K Lunn and M Milojevic, A MacDonald, A Mestitz, J Newitt, B Ozolins, J Phillips, H Psotova, A Simone, L Usmiani, M Warren and E Woods
The exhibition challenges and embraces the complexity and richness of Port Arthur through the concept of revelation - the uncovering of under-recognised or over-looked elements of the site and its environs, or the reinvestigation of conventional readings of history through visual art in new and unusual ways. Port Arthur Project is an ambitious project that has relied on the vision and effort of a large team comprising the 25 artists, the curatorial group and administrative, technical and discipline specialists from the three organisations; all demonstrated their skill and commitment throughout the 18 months it’s taken to realise the project.