Characterising landscape connectivity for conservation planning using a dispersal guild approach
Context: Land use changes have modified the extent and structure of native vegetation, resulting in fragmentation of native species habitat. Connectivity is increasingly seen as a requirement for effective conservation in these landscapes, but the question remains: ‘connectivity for which species?’.
Objective: The aim of this study was to develop and then apply a rapid, expert-based, dispersal guild approach where species are grouped on similar fine scale dispersal behaviour (such as between scattered trees) and habitat characteristics.
Methods: Dispersal guilds were identified using clustering techniques to compare dispersal and habitat parameters elicited from experts. We modelled least cost paths and corridors between patches and individual movement probabilities within these corridors for each of the dispersal guilds using Circuitscape. We demonstrate our approach with a case study in the Tasmanian Northern Midlands, Australia.
Results: The dispersal guild approach grouped the 12 species into five dispersal guilds. The connectivity modelling of those five guilds found that broadly dispersing species in this landscape, such as medium sized carnivorous mammals, were unaffected by fragmentation while from the perspective of the three dispersal guilds made up of smaller mammals, the landscape appeared highly fragmented.
Conclusions: Our approach yields biologically defensible outputs that are broadly applicable, particularly for conservation planning where data and resources are limited. It is a useful first step in multi-species conservation planning which aims to identify those species most in need of conservation efforts.
Department of Environment and Energy (Cwth)
Publication title
Landscape EcologyVolume
Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA)Publisher
SpringerPlace of publication
Springer NetherlandsRights statement
Copyright 2016 Springer Science+Business Media DordrechtRepository Status
- Restricted