This is the first study on coral diseases in the Wakatobi Marine National Park (WMNP), south-east Sulawesi. It aimed to provide baseline knowledge of coral disease prevalence and coral health in this remote region. Results indicate a low disease prevalence of 0.57% with only two known diseases occurring within the sampling unit, white syndrome (0.42%) and tumours (0.15%). They affected 15 taxonomic groups from a total of 32 taxonomic groups. The presence of black-band disease (BBD), skeletal eroding band (SEB) disease and Porites ulcerative white spot disease (PUWSD) was identified outside the study area. A large number of corals were affected by previously undescribed conditions (9.7% of colonies). The impact of lesions named as green spot, green band, pigmented spot, and flatworm infestation is not known and represents an important area for future studies.
Publication title
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom