University of Tasmania

Ecosystem restoration - a public health intervention

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-05-20, 15:38 authored by Breed, MF, Cross, AT, Wallace, K, Bradby, K, Emily FliesEmily Flies, Goodwin, N, Menna JonesMenna Jones, Orlando, L, Skelly, C, Weinstein, P, Aronson, J
We are seemingly locked into a downward spiral of ecological degradation, biodiversity loss, and a climate emergency. Ecological restoration aims to improve the ecological trajectory of degraded ecosystems. Ecosystem declines threaten human health. Dramatic changes in human behavior and government policy are essential, but will only occur through a profound paradigm shift explicitly linking human and ecological health. We outline the case for ecological restoration as a ‘public health intervention’, and provide an action plan that enables the required paradigm shift.


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School of Natural Sciences



Place of publication

United States

Rights statement

Copyright 2020 EcoHealth Alliance. Post-prints are subject to Springer Nature re-use terms

Repository Status

  • Restricted

Socio-economic Objectives

Rehabilitation or conservation of terrestrial environments; Public health (excl. specific population health) not elsewhere classified; Expanding knowledge in the biological sciences