Effect of lower body compression garments on submaximal and maximal running performance in cold (10°C) and hot (32°C) environments
journal contribution
posted on 2023-05-18, 09:32authored byGoh, SS, Laursen, PB, Dascombe, B, Nosaka, K
No previous studies have investigated the effect of lower body compression garments (CG) on running performance in the heat. This study tested the hypothesis that CG would negatively affect running performance in the heat by comparing CG and non-CG conditions for running performance and physiological responses in hot and cold conditions. Ten male recreational runners (29.0 ± 10.0 years, V_O2max: 58.7 ± 2.7 ml kg-1 min-1 ) performed four treadmill tests consisting of 20-min running at first ventilatory threshold followed by a run to exhaustion at V_O2max velocity in four conditions: 10C with CG, 10C without CG, 32C with CG, and 32C without CG (randomised, counterbalanced order). Time to exhaustion (TTE), skin and rectal temperature, V_O2, heart rate and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were compared between CG and non-CG conditions at each environmental temperature. TTE was not significantly different between the CG and non-CG conditions at 10C (158 ± 74 vs. 148 ± 73 s) and 32C (115 ± 40 vs. 97 ± 33 s); however, there was a small (0.15) and moderate effect size (0.48), respectively, suggestive of an improvement in TTE with CG. Lower limb skin temperature was 1.5C higher at 10C with CG (P\0.05), but no significant differences in other physiological variables, including rectal temperature, were observed between garment conditions. Interestingly, RPE was lower (P\0.05) during submaximal running at 32C with CG (13.8 ± 2.0) compared with non-CG (14.5 ± 2.7). It was concluded that CG had no adverse effects on running performance in hot conditions. Keyword
Publication title
European Journal of Applied Physiology
School of Nursing
Place of publication
175 Fifth Ave, New York, USA, Ny, 10010
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Copyright 2010 Springer-Verlag
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