Recent dramatic rises in the price of diesel fuel have resulted in the questionable viability of sectors of the Australian commercial fishing industry. Many fishing vessels currently operating in the fleet are over 20 years old and operate in a way that is inefficient in terms of the energy input (combustible fuels) in contrast with the useful energy output (catch). Combined with the global need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions there is a clear need to introduce new efficiencies into fishing vessel operations. This paper reports on the development of an energy audit method for fishing vessels, based on similar systems for land-based industries. It enables the analysis of individual vessels to be made and allows the assessment of their energy usage and current level of efficiency. A sample energy audit has been conducted for an Australian fishing vessel that leads to recommendations for improved efficiencies to combat present and possible future fuel cost increases.
Publication title
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment