posted on 2023-05-21, 04:21authored byMalcom Bywaters
COVID - 19 and the resulting society lockdowns have created significant increase in home-based activity. With the world seemingly turning a little slower it helps to have something to look forward to and occupy the mind. With people and family spending more time at home away from employment, school, and social activity such as sport, toy sales have rocketed. Toy purchases in 2020 increased globally by 16 percent. Rejuvenated by quarantines and the social isolation of lock down, the old school pastime of making plastic model kits, specifically aeroplanes have enjoyed what can be described as a Renaissance of interest amongst children and adults. Airfix, the oldest manufacturer of plastic injection moulding scale plastic model kits in the United Kingdom has seen sales dramatically increase as long-term fans and newcomers alike have found themselves confined to home. In October 2020, Airfix’s owner, Hornby announced a 33 percent spike in sales compared to the same year in 2019.
Publication title
International Journal of Contemporary Humanities
Cultural Collections
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Socio-economic Objectives
139999 Other culture and society not elsewhere classified