University of Tasmania

Experiences with a mixed-mode GPS-based volcano monitoring system at Mt Papandayan, Indonesia

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-05-16, 16:23 authored by Janssen, V, Roberts, C, Rizos, C, Abidin, HZ

During the past few years a methodology has been developed for processing data collected by GPS networks consisting of a mixed set of single-frequency and dual-frequency receivers. The strategy is to deploy a few permanent, ‘fiducial’ GPS stations with dual-frequency, geodetic-grade receivers surrounding an ‘inner’ network of low-cost, single-frequency GPS receivers. Such a configuration offers considerable flexibility and cost savings for geodynamic applications such as volcano deformation monitoring, which require a dense spatial coverage of GPS stations, and where it is not possible, nor appropriate, to establish permanent GPS networks using dual-frequency instrumentation.

This configuration has recently been tested at the Mt. Papandayan volcano in West Java, Indonesia. The two-stage network design consists of an inner network of four single-frequency Canadian Marconi (CM) GPS receivers surrounded by three dual-frequency Leica CRS1000 GPS receivers. The inner network logged and transmitted GPS data from the ‘slave’ stations located on the volcano, to a base station. The combined processing of the CM and Leica receiver data was performed offline so as to investigate the performance of such a mixed-mode system. The basis of the processing methodology is to separate the dual-frequency, ‘fiducial’ station data processing from the baseline processing involving the singlefrequency receivers on the volcano. The data processing for the former was carried out using a modified version of the Bernese software, to generate a file of ‘corrections’ (analogous to Wide Area DGPS correction models for the distance dependent biases -- primarily due to atmospheric refraction). These ‘corrections’ will then be applied to the double-differenced phase observations from the inner receivers to improve the baseline accuracies (primarily through empirical modelling of the residual atmospheric biases that otherwise would be neglected). A description of the field testing (and its challenges) during February- March 2000, together with a discussion of the results are presented.


Publication title

Geomatics Research Australasia








School of Geography, Planning and Spatial Sciences


Institution of Surveyors, Australia Inc

Place of publication


Rights statement

Copyright 2001 Geomatics Research Australasia

Repository Status

  • Open

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