Factors Affecting Migrants’ Food Security in Tasmania: A Mixed Methods Study
Background: For migrants experiencing a new cultural environment access to available and affordable food is vital. Factors such as geographical isolation, income and language influence migrants’ experiences of and views about food security.
Methods: A mixed methods study (questionnaires and follow-up interviews) examined the factors affecting the food security of migrants living in a regional area of Australia. The data was analysed using quantitative and qualitative methods.
Results/discussions: The cultural background of the migrant is an important influence on food security. The study found statistically significant associations between the migrants’ region of origin and their views on aspects of food security. Seven factors were identified that influenced migrants’ food security: (1) cultural background; (2) language; (3) educational background; (4) geographical isolation; (5) income; (6) length of stay in Tasmania; and (7) household size.
Conclusion: Factors affecting migrants’ food security are strongly shaped by the socio-demographic background of the migrants.
Publication title
Journal of Food SecurityIssue
School of Health SciencesPublisher
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