University of Tasmania

Feldspar evolution in the Roxby Downs Granite, host to Fe-oxide Cu-Au-(U) mineralisation at Olympic Dam, South Australia

journal contribution
posted on 2023-05-19, 04:36 authored by Kontonikas-Charos, A, Ciobanu, CL, Cook, NJ, Ehrig, K, Krneta, S, Vadim Kamenetsky
The textural relationships and geochemistry of feldspars from least-altered to sericite-hematite altered and mineralised ∼ 1.595 Ga Roxby Downs Granite (RDG) at Olympic Dam, South Australia, were examined. The sample suite is representative of RDG both distal (>5 km) and proximal (<1 km) to the hydrothermal breccias of the Olympic Dam Breccia Complex (ODBC), which host Fe-oxide Cu-Au-(U) mineralisation at Olympic Dam. Microscopic observations and quantitative analyses indicate that a range of feldspar reactions have taken place within the RDG hosting the Olympic Dam deposit. An early phase of igneous plagioclase (∼ An27–34) is recognised, along with a more abundant, less-calcic plagioclase (∼ An12–20) both displaying rapakivi and anti-rapakivi textures with alkali feldspar. Alkali feldspars (∼ Or55Ab43An2) record post-magmatic evolution from cryptoperthite to patch perthite. Subsequent patch perthite is overprinted by highly porous, near end-member albite and K-feldspar, while plagioclase undergoes replacement by albite + sericite ± Ba-rich K-feldspar. In sericite-hematite altered and mineralised RDG along the margin of the ODBC, sericite replaces all plagioclase, whereas red-stained, Fe-rich K-feldspar persists. Sulphide-uranium-rare earth element mineralisation is observed in association with hydrothermal feldspars, and increases in abundance with proximity to the orebody. Petrographic observations and whole-rock geochemistry illustrate the transformation of plagioclase and alkali feldspar from igneous to hydrothermal processes, and indicate that hydrothermal albite and K-feldspar formed within the RDG without the need for an external source of alkalis. Feldspar geothermometry indicates a minimum crystallisation temperature of 765 °C at 2.2 kbar for alkali feldspar (pressure estimate obtained using plagioclase-amphibole geobarometry) followed by a range of lower temperature transformations. Late-stage magma mixing/contamination is postulated from supportive temperature and pressure estimates along with feldspar and mafic mineral relationships.


Australian Research Council

BHP Billiton Olympic Dam Corporation


Publication title

Ore Geology Reviews








School of Natural Sciences


Elsevier Science Bv

Place of publication

Po Box 211, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1000 Ae

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© 2016 Elsevier

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