A useful theoretical approach in the literature for those trying to conserve forest biodiversity involves a number of strategies to achieve maintenance of habitat for different species across multiple spatial and temporal scales. This approach emphasises the importance of implementing measures in off-reserve areas to complement reserve systems. This contrasts with both the traditional ‘set-aside’ approach to conservation and the primary aim of production forestry. Translating this risk-spreading approach into on-ground practice is often a difficult task. Using the conservation management of habitat for hollow-using fauna in Tasmania’s production forests as a case study, we explore the issues associated with adopting the theory and applying it to onground practice. The approach that has evolved is evaluated in terms of the strategies proposed in the literature. The inadequacy of the existing reserve system in Tasmania to fully cater for the conservation of threatened hollow-users, problems associated with the current ‘off-reserve’ measures, impediments to effective implementation and the use of an adaptive management framework are highlighted. We provide some practical considerations to guide more effective implementation. This includes the development of measurable objectives, integration of conservation goals with silvicultural goals, development of clear and practical guidelines, effective training and communication programs and the development of a monitoring and an adaptive management process agreed to by all stakeholders. The ongoing success of such an approach depends on a high level of commitment by all involved to the overall goal of ecologically sustainable forestry.
Publication title
Forest Ecology and Management
School of Natural Sciences
Elsevier Science Bv
Place of publication
Po Box 211, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1000 Ae
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Assessment and management of freshwater ecosystems