Hymenoptera venom allergy is characterised by systemic anaphylactic reactions that occur in response to stings from members of the Hymenoptera order. Stinging by social Hymenoptera such as ants, honeybees, and vespids is one of the 3 major causes of anaphylaxis; along with food and drug exposure, it accounts for up to 43% of anaphylaxis cases and 20% of anaphylaxis-related fatalities. Despite their recognition as being of considerable public health significance, stinging ant venoms are relatively unexplored in comparison to other animal venoms and may be overlooked as a cause of venom allergy. Indeed, the venoms of stinging ants may be the most common cause of anaphylaxis in ant endemic areas. A better understanding of the natural history of venom allergy caused by stinging ants, their venom components, and the management of ant venom allergy is therefore required. This article provides a global view on allergic reactions to the venoms of stinging ants and the contemporary approach to diagnose and manage ant venom allergy.
Publication title
Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology
School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Humana Press Inc
Place of publication
999 Riverview Drive Suite 208, Totowa, USA, Nj, 07512