University of Tasmania

Hydrogen and oxygen isotope behaviors during variable degrees of upper mantle melting: Example from the basaltic glasses from Macquarie Island

journal contribution
posted on 2023-05-17, 14:51 authored by Bindeman, IN, Vadim Kamenetsky, Palandri, J, Vennemann, T
We present measurements of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in MORB glasses from Macquarie Island (SW. Pacific Ocean) coupled with determination of bulk H 2O content by two independent techniques: total dehydration and FTIR. The incompatible trace elements in these glasses vary by a factor of 12 to 17, with K 2O varying from 0.1 to 1.7wt.%; these ranges reflect a variable degree of closed-system mantle melting, estimated from 1 to 15%. Water concentrations determined by the two techniques match well, yielding a range from 0.25 to 1.49wt.% which correlates positively with all of the measured incompatible trace elements, suggesting that water is un-degassed, and behaves conservatively during mantle melting. Also, the agreement between the FTIR-determined and extracted water contents gives us confidence that the measured isotopic values of hydrogen reflect that of the mantle. Comparison of the range of water content with that of other incompatible trace elements allows estimation of the water partition coefficient in lherzolite, 0.0208 (ranging from 0.017 to 0.023), and the water content in the source, 386ppm (ranging from 370 to 440ppm). We observe a fairly narrow range in δD and δ 18O values of -75.5±4.5‰ and 5.50±0.05‰ respectively, that can be explained by partial melting of normal lherzolitic mantle. The measured δD and δ 18O values of Macquarie Island glasses that range from nepheline- to hypersthene-normative, and from MORB to EMORB in composition, are identical to those in average global MORB. The observed lack of variation of δD and δ 18O with 1 to 15% degree of mantle melting is consistent with a bulk melting model of δD and δ 18O fractionation, in which water is rapidly scavenged into the first partial melt. The narrow ranges of δD and δ 18O in normal mantle are mostly due to the buffering effect of clino- and orthopyroxenes in the residual assemblage; additionally, fast "wet" diffusion of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes through the melting regions may further smooth isotopic differences. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


Australian Research Council

AMIRA International Ltd

ARC C of E Industry Partner $ to be allocated

Anglo American Exploration Philippines Inc

AngloGold Ashanti Australia Limited

Australian National University

BHP Billiton Ltd

Barrick (Australia Pacific) PTY Limited

CSIRO Earth Science & Resource Engineering

Mineral Resources Tasmania

Minerals Council of Australia

Newcrest Mining Limited

Newmont Australia Ltd

Oz Minerals Australia Limited

Rio Tinto Exploration

St Barbara Limited

Teck Cominco Limited

University of Melbourne

University of Queensland

Zinifex Australia Ltd


Publication title

Chemical Geology








School of Natural Sciences


Elsevier BV

Place of publication

PO Box 211 Amsterdam, 1000 AE Netherlands

Rights statement

copyright 2012 Elsevier B.V.

Repository Status

  • Restricted

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