Lichens from Terra Diemen (Tasmania) collected in 1792--93 by J J H. Labillardiere and now held in the Philip Barker Webb herbarium in Florence (Fl-W) number 21 species in 13 genera preserved on 19 herbarium sheets. These include holotype and isotype material of Baeomyces reteporus Lab ill. [ = Cladia retipora (Labill.) Nyl.], isolectotype material of Sticta billardiere Delise [ = Pseudocyphellaria billardierei (Delise) Rasanen) and taxa from the following genera: Bacomyces, Cladia, Cladonia, Hypogymnia, Leptogium, Menegazzia, Parmelia, Parmelina, Pseudocyphellaria, Ramalina, Sphaerophorus, Srereocaulon and Usnea. These collections constitute the first known lichens from Tasmania. Brief notes, where applicable, accompany the species designations.
Publication title
Papers & Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania