MagAO Observations of the binary microlens OGLE-2014-BLG-1050 prefer the higher-mass solution
journal contribution
posted on 2023-05-21, 11:53authored byXie, X, Dong, S, Zhu, W, Gould, A, Udalski, A, Jean-Philippe BeaulieuJean-Philippe Beaulieu, Close, LM, Males, JR, Marquette, JB, Morzinski, KM, Pogge, RW, Yee, JC
We report adaptive optics (AO) follow-up imaging of OGLE-2014-BLG-1050, which is the second binary microlensing event with space-based parallax measurements. The degeneracy in microlens parallax πE led to two sets of solutions, either a ∼ (0.9, 0.35)M⊙ binary at ∼3.5 kpc or a ∼(0.2, 0.07)M⊙ binary at ∼1.1 kpc. We measure the flux blended with the microlensed source by conducting Magellan AO observations, and find that the blending is consistent with the predicted lens flux from the higher-mass solution. From the combination of the AO flux measurement together with previous lensing constraints, it is estimated that the lens system consists of a 1.05+0.08-0.07M⊙ primary and a 0.38 +0.07-0.06M⊙ secondary at 3.43 +0.19-0.21 kpc.