University of Tasmania

Marine and coastal places: wellbeing in a blue economy

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Version 2 2024-04-22, 00:07
Version 1 2023-05-21, 17:05
journal contribution
posted on 2024-04-22, 00:07 authored by Maree FudgeMaree Fudge, Emily OgierEmily Ogier, Karen AlexanderKaren Alexander
Community members have interests in the development of marine industries such as characterise the blue economy agenda. One of these interests is levels of personal and community wellbeing. Governments, local authorities and marine industries are frequently confronted with conflicting values and interests when making decisions about marine industry development. Yet it is not clear how decisions can be made in ways that also focus on community members’ wellbeing. Assessing wellbeing is substantively different from other aspects of development assessment as it comprises (i) subjective and (ii) relational aspects as well as (iii) material aspects. We applied this three-fold wellbeing lens to investigate the connections people make between marine places and their personal wellbeing and how people perceive changes to marine places (industry development) affects this connection. We discuss three key findings: (i) people’s subjective and relational experiences of personal wellbeing in relation to marine places were more important than experiences of material aspects; (ii) the specific quality of the marine environments and the values associated with the physical environment strongly influenced people’s subjective and relational wellbeing experiences; and (iii) the development of marine industries may negatively influence people’s experience of wellbeing in marine places if not done in ways that are sympathetic to their connections with these marine places. We discuss these findings with respect to the marine industry development and suggest that conceptualising and assessing wellbeing using only material concepts and measures in expanding marine industries will risk missing critical information in the development of sustainable local blue economies.


Fisheries Research & Development Corporation


Publication title

Environmental Science and Policy








Sustainable Marine Research Collaboration


Elsevier Sci Ltd

Publication status

  • Published

Place of publication

The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, England, Oxon, Ox5 1Gb

Rights statement

© 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the Creative commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Socio-economic Objectives

180201 Assessment and management of coastal and estuarine ecosystems, 180299 Coastal and estuarine systems and management not elsewhere classified

UN Sustainable Development Goals

14 Life Below Water

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