University of Tasmania

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Microelectronic junctions in arsenian pyrite due to impurity and mixed sulfide heterogeneity

journal contribution
posted on 2023-05-18, 07:09 authored by Laird, JS, MacRae, CM, Halfpenny, A, Ross LargeRoss Large, Ryan, CG
Impurities and crystal defects within the semiconducting bulk of a metal sulfide introduce energy levels within the forbidden bandgap. These levels in turn control semiconducting type and local electrical properties within single and multi-phased sulfide assemblages. Heterogeneity in sulfide semiconductivity linked to these impurities can lead to p-n micro-junction formation and potential distributions near the surface that may alter redox reactivity. Secondary gold ore genesis via a micro-galvanic effect related to heterogeneity has in the past been hypothetically linked to such micro-junctions. Understanding these regions and their interaction with weathering fluids in the regolith for example requires large-scale imaging of potential distributions associated with near-surface micro-junctions and correlation with the responsible elemental distributions. Here we investigate the existence of micro-electronic junctions in a mixed sulfide assemblage using scanning laser beam induced current (LBIC) and correlate them with pyrite-chalcopyrite interfaces mapped using combined energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy (WDS) on an electron hyper-probe. Junctions in a natural assemblage are positively identified for the first time.


Publication title

American Mineralogist








School of Natural Sciences


Mineralogical Soc Amer

Place of publication

1015 Eighteenth St, Nw Suite 601, Washington, USA, Dc, 20036

Rights statement

Copyright 2015 Mineralogical Society of America

Repository Status

  • Restricted

Socio-economic Objectives

Other mineral resources (excl. energy resources) not elsewhere classified